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NEW ONLINE PhD Navigator Tool! Enroll TODAY!

This free career ELM-Canvas "course" was built by and for ALL PhD students/postdocs across all stages. There are eight 15-25 min. career modules (e.g., Exploring careers, Effective Job Strategies for academic, industry, and government jobs, Creating Resumes/CVs). You can access this anytime and anywhere. Please share with your peers and constituents at UMD. 

To enroll, please go to: or click on the PhD Navigator graphic above. 

By engaging in this tool, you will: 1) Take action on YOUR career and professional development 2) Learn about the many free PhD career resources online and on campus 3) Be able to direct your constituents to career resources

You are not alone! We have Doctoral Career Consultants (DCCs) who will guide you through the process and foster an online community among PhD students. We know how difficult it can be to meet in person and have a dedicated space to discuss career issues candidly.

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